DUI Insurance Rates
While a wide variety of factors can affect car insurance rates, DUI is one of the quickest ways to see a massive increase in premiums. Factors such as location, age, and insurance provider can contribute to just how much those rates increase. Different states have different classifications of convictions, but one thing is consistent, whether a driver gets charged with DUI, DWAI, DWI, OUI, OVI, or OMVI, they will be considered a high-risk driver and can expect their insurance premiums to increase due to the conviction.
Car Insurance After a DUI
Driving under the influence is a serious charge, and is not taken lightly by insurance companies. In fact, drivers can almost always expect premiums to increase substantially. Rate increases are due to the increased liability of an insured driver who has been convicted of driving under the influence. Often these drivers pose a greater risk than other drivers. Recent reports by caranddriver.com show an average premium increase of 72% for a single DUI. Multiple offenses mean multiple premium increases. Typically, rates will remain high for up to seven years from a single offense.
DUI Insurance FAQs
How do DUI's or DWI's impact insurance rates?
DUI, DWI, OWI are all created equal…or rather they impact you equally as bad when it comes to auto insurance. These are the kings of insurance penalties because some companies will simply non-renew your coverage due to the high risk, and many will charge or underwrite for them for up to seven years. These tickets often come accompanied with a court-ordered requirement to carry an SR-22 filing on your policy which requires the insurance company to notify the driver’s license division if the policy cancels for any reason.
What is SR-22 insurance? How much does it cost?
SR-22 insurance is regular car insurance with a Certificate of Financial Responsibility filing added to the policy. This allows a driver to have driving privileges reinstated after serious or repeated offenses. The filing shows the state that your insurance provider promises to keep the state informed of the status of the driver’s insurance policy and that they’re carrying the legally mandated amount of coverage.SR-22 coverage is typically expensive due to the increased liability risk of insuring a high-risk driver. SR-22 requirements can increase annual insurance rates anywhere from 31% to 375%. On average, an SR-22 will increase insurance rates by about $230 a month according to carinsurance.com.
Can having a DUI or DWI affect insurance eligibility?
Although many insurance companies will not accept a DUI, there shouldn’t be too much trouble finding a company that will accept the insurance risk. In the unlikely event that auto insurance coverage can’t be found in the general marketplace, your state Department of Insurance can assign you to one of the insurance companies operating in the state. This is usually done on a rotating basis throughout the pool of insurance companies in that state and you would get coverage regardless of what is on your driving record.
Is there a point where an insurance company can revoke insurance because the insurer got a DUI or DWI?
Yes, but they typically wait until the renewal of the policy term to end the coverage. Just as it’s the client’s right to choose the insurance company that they want to do business with, the company has similar rights to choose at each renewal whether a client is a good risk for their company. Denial of coverage after a DUI is always a possibility if the insurance company decides they're not comfortable insuring a "high-risk" driver.
How to Lower Car Insurance Rates After a DUI
While lowering insurance rates after DUI can be time-consuming, it is important to take steps to work towards lower rates. First, we recommend that drivers convicted of DUI maintain their insured status if possible. Maintaining a clean driving record is also critical. We also recommend paying any fines and taking any required education or treatment courses as quickly as possible. Taking defensive or safe driving courses, maintaining good credit, and driving a safer vehicle are additional considerations that may help lower your premiums as well.
Another important factor is the number of DUIs a driver has. This may seem obvious, but a younger driver with multiple DUIs can expect premiums about 285% higher than a peer with one DUI.
Consequences of DUI
Increased insurance premiums aren’t the only thing drivers can expect after a DUI conviction. In addition to being incredibly expensive, DUI charges can have a variety of consequences:
- Jail time
- Loss of driving privileges
- Formal alcohol or substance disorder evaluation requirements
- Required DUI or substance abuse classes
- Probation
- Installation of ignition interlock system in the vehicle
- Community service requirements
- Employment complications
- Interpersonal consequences
The Bottom Line
The only guaranteed way to avoid DUI is to not operate a vehicle after drinking or consuming other substances. DUIs are costly, time-consuming, and can have lasting effects for many years to come. If you’ve been convicted of DUI, contact your insurance agent as quickly as possible to put a plan together for continued coverage and how to best set up your policy to keep premiums manageable.
Contact Keystone Insurance Services
Whether you've been charged with a DUI, DWAI, DWI, OUI, OVI, or OMVI, our agents will work with you to find you the best coverage at the best price. Contact our offices in Provo or Payson to get your free quote.
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