Auto Repair Shops and Auto Mechanics

Auto repair shop InsuranceEvery business’s insurance needs are unique. Auto repair shops are quite a bit different than a flower shop or marketing company let’s say. Due to the fact that mechanics use heavy and sometimes dangerous machinery, car owners are entrusting their vehicles to the mechanic, and the costly nature of the tools that mechanics need to use, it is very important that auto mechanics in Utah have the appropriate insurance to meet all of their business’s needs. 

With the correct business insurance shop owners can protect their business and their assets from a costly claim or lawsuit brought about by injury, theft, or damage. But what sort of insurance is correct for auto repair shops? 

Types of Insurance For Auto Mechanics 

There are a number of policies that can be put in place by a qualified insurance agent near you that will make sure your auto repair shop is adequately protected. 

Business Property Insurance

The physical building of your shop, as well as the property elements inside and around it such as signs, fences, furniture and more, are protected when you have a business property insurance policy in place. This policy protects your auto repair shop against things like fires, earthquakes, theft, accidents, etc. 

Property and Equipment Insurance

It’s important to not only protect your shop building but also all of the technical equipment you use. This type of additional coverage would protect your equipment against malfunctions such as power surges, breakdowns, or employee accidents that break equipment.

Business – Garage Liability Insurance

A normal business liability policy protects business owners in the event that someone is injured on their premises. Very similarly a garage liability insurance policy covers an auto repair shop against lawsuits and medical costs in case of injuries, but this policy covers a wider and more comprehensive level since garages are more likely to cause more severe injuries.

Garage Keepers Insurance

Vehicle owners are leaving their property in your hands. A garage keeper’s policy makes sure that you are protected should your vehicle end up damaged while in your care from accidents such as fire, lift malfunctions, or even employee’s test drives. It is helpful to speak with a licensed insurance agent about these policies as they do vary in level of coverage.

Business Auto Insurance

This policy is incredibly important if your employees will be driving your customer’s vehicles (which they undoubtedly will). It protects you in the event that there is some sort of accident causing injury or damage while you are behind the wheel.

Add Ons

Since auto repair shops vary in the types of services they offer to customers it is recommended that you speak with an experienced insurance agent near you about other optional addons; things such as portable tools and equipment coverage, tow truck insurance, radiator services insurance, and more. 

Other Insurance Needs for Your Utah Auto Repair Shop 

auto mechanic insurance UtahBesides auto repair shop-specific insurance policies any business owner should never be without business interruption insurance which protects you against loss of income should something happen to your shop and you are unable to continue working out of it. And a well-developed worker’s compensation policy to cover costs for your employees in the event of workplace accidents, things such as medical bills, and loss of wages. 

If you own an auto repair shop in the Provo, UT area and are in need of a good insurance policy to cover all of your business’s needs reach out to a qualified insurance agent like those at Bear River Mutual today. Call Keystone Insurance to discuss all of your options and come up with the best policy to cover your unique circumstances.

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